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Charles W. Stone
All Rights Reserved, Copyright 2005

From the WW II era of history comes perhaps the greatest secret of the US Government. Like many great secrets this has been covered up by the media and the US Government. These series of secrets include the Imperial Japanese and Nazi German atomic and rocket programs. This does not even touch on the other weapons of mass destruction programs (biologic and chemical) the most infamous being Unit 731 and its cohorts. With the advent of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq we have seen history repeat itself. With the emerge in the public knowledge of the North Korean, Pakistani, Indian, Iranian and Libyan atomic and rocket programs we are faced with a potential uncontrolled weapons of mass destruction era.

Starting by at least 1936 Japan had begun efforts to produce heavy water in northern Korea with its low cost hydroelectric power. Many minerals and ores useful in atomic programs including graphite, thorium and others are found. This effort took place at one of the largest industrial complexes in Asia at the time.

The descendent Japanese company is Japan Nitrogen. The complex at Konan (Hungnam) was a trial run or precursor of the MITI-run high tech miracle after WW II. There is almost certain evidence of the development of small crude atomic bombs by the private company, a latter-day industrial combine, the Imperial Japanese Navy and Yoshio Kodama, the future godfather of Japanese politics.

Japan had several atomic development programs. The most secret one run by the Imperial Navy was able to produce small crude atomic bombs at the Konan Complex. After the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings there was a test of a small device on an island near Konan proving the concept the day before WW II ended!! The Konan complex was overrun by Soviet forces later the same day. Attempts were made to destroy the remaining bombs in a grotto and the atomic labs. However, the Soviets were able to capture enough technicians and repair the atomic facilities.

The underground Japanese and later Soviet-North Korean facilities were the start of the North Korean atomic program. In addition a number of Korean scientists were trained in Japan. During the Korean War there was a direct order by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to capture the atomic facilities and destroy the entire complex. It was part of the reason for the disasterous Chosin Reservoir Campaign, one of the worst defeats of the US Army. By straying too close to the Chinese border General MacArthur precipitated the involvement of the Red Chinese Army.

Between the surrender and the actual landings of US troops in August 1945 150 Japanese technicians and military officers were sent to Western China leading to the start of the Chinese atomic program. These two programs (North Korean and Chinese) are the driving force for political and military instability in Asia especially East Asia. North Korea esp. has played a major role in atomic and rocket development in Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Libya, Syria and possibly other countries leading to a massive spread of atomic technology in unstable areas.

The danger of a regional or even worldwide atomic conflict has increased substantially. Most of the information has been in books, articles and other sources starting in the early 1980’s. It was know informally in military intelligence circles far earlier. Yet the important story has been totally ignored by the media. In fact the chief gatekeeper for ABC News, Peter Jennings, has done a documentary with the chief revisionist historian at MIT. In addition Mr. Jennings did an infomercial for CIPRO BEFORE the anthrax letters were mailed and continued to hype it despite there being better and more effective therapies.

There is substantial evidence of atomic conflicts in ancient history including radioactive skeletons in India, vitrified stone forts in Scotland, large desert areas with sand turned to glass and even the story of Lot’s wife in the Bible. By failing to learn from the past the US government has cast a grave course for the future!

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This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.
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Dear Mr. Takanarita:

We have more evidence about German and Japanese atomic and rocket cooperation. This includes a document, Zinnzer report. I found in The Archives at College Park. It is a US Navy Intelligence report rated B1 in reliability and signed by a US Navy Captain and Commodore! This has been in at least three books published in the USA and UK.We also have information which is in limbo in terms of classification about three generations of design for nuclear submarines found in abandoned tunnel below Yokasuka Naval Base in Japan! Does anybody have the guts to publish the true story about Peter Jennings and the anthrax letters. He also has done a documentary with the leading Revisionist Historian at MIT, Prof. John Dower!

I think China's hostility will only grow! Check it out!! I plan the media suppression as a major part of my book! Also the reports from Asahi in the book about North Korea appeared to be biased! I sent those to you last year! Let me know your comments!

Charles W. Stone

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Dear Mr Takanarita:

Now you seeing why Japan missed a golden chance to reach out to China. The atomic story would have been ideal for being truthful! The situation with China can only get worse! Japan similarly has failed to take responsibility for North Korea. Now we have a very serious situation with North Korea!! Japan does not seem to learn! Do you wish you had covered more of my atomic stories??? Let me know your comments!

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This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.

This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.